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  • Jenn Bradbury, LMT

Interview with Nicole Nestle!

Meet Nicole!

Nicole joined our staff in February of 2019, and we are so glad to have her!

Nicole graduated from Elizabeth Grady, and has been in practice for 10 years before joining us! She previously spent many years at a large chain, and is enjoying the flexibility and increased autonomy here at Inner Horizon!

I asked Nicole to answer a few questions so that we could get to know her! Check out what she had to say!


1. What made you get into Massage Therapy?

I always had an interest in Anatomy and Physiology. At one point I was studying Psychology and thought I might work in that field, but I found that I don't always have to the right words to say. Through massage, I am able to help people in many ways. I can help with stress and pain relief and that is a great thing.

2. What is your favorite style/modality?

I like using a combination of Deep Tissue and Swedish Massage. Swedish to help warm up the muscle then I am able to work a bit deeper to get into those tight knotted areas and then Swedish - long broad strokes- again to smooth things over. I work deep enough to be effective but not to cause pain.

3. What types of clients/injuries/etc do you like to work on the most?

I like helping anyone and everyone. Whether it's for relief or working on chronic issues, I'm here to help. I would say that shoulder issues are definitely my strong suit. Whatever the injury or issue is I can help to bring an increased range of motion and pain relief to the client.

4. What was your favorite class in school?

Anatomy and Physiology and music

5. What are your hobbies/interests/fun facts?

I love movies and music and learning new things.

6. Anything else you think would be helpful for clients to know about you?

I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist for ten years and I love what I do. I enjoy learning new techniques that would help clients; I feel like I have learned a lot over these 10 years but there is always more to learn. I will always strive to do my best and have the client's best interest in mind.


And the feedback from our clients has been overwhelmingly positive!

Check out these reviews!

Nicole was very well trained, and she was very good at following my request for work in specific areas. Would recommend! - Wanda Nicole was amazing. Highly recommend. -Antonina Nicole was fantastic! Had the best massage I ever had! Will definitely go back. - Terri


Nicole is currently accepting new clients. You can book an appointment with her here:

Welcome to the team, Nicole!!!

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